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First day of the nativity complete! The children, staff and parents have all worked together to make this magic happen! From singing practice and line rehearsals to set design and costume creating - thank you and well done to everyone who helped make our nativity so special!


Pupil Parliament were hard at work creating heartfelt Christmas cards in support of the Bromley Loneliness Campaign. All cards for the campaign will be sent off on the 7th - please drop creations into school! The more the merrier ! 🎄✨♥️


This is looking closer to the £7500 mark now! WOW. Huge thank you to our PTA, parents and staff that actively worked so hard together to achieve this from our Christmas Fair. What a community!


Today some pupils took part in some cooking! We were inspired by Omari McQueen - a 14 year old vegan chef / entrepreneur! We made tropical rocky roads and I think from the chocolatey smiles it’s safe to say we had a fabulous morning!


Today was full of fun, laughter and history! We hosted some special guests who engaged the whole school in celebrating black history through exploration of music, dance and African stories! Assemblies, workshops and playground music made today busy and brilliant!


Year 5 had the best day today at the - their science this half term has been based on Space and today’s trip help bring their learning to life beyond the classroom! They were fascinated by the size of the rockets they saw!


We are so proud to celebrate black history through our curriculum all year round, but we also know how important it is to inspire pupils further at this important time in our calendars. We know the children are going to have immersive, authentic learning experiences!


We are genuinely the luckiest school to have such an incredible team of teaching assistants and 1:1 support assistants! These guys work relentlessly to support our students and give the highest level of pastoral care! we showered them in love at a special breakfast in the library


Harvest is here! For those that can, we are kindly asking for donations this week to support others in our local community. We want to work together to send off a range of food and non- food items to the Bromley Living Well Food Bank.


Year 3 got further immersed in the learning about the Stone Age with their wow day workshop! They will write a recount about their learning and experiences from our special visitors!


Today we were busy evaluating our Year 6 leadership applications and holding interviews for Heads of School! We have been blown away by the quality of applications this year - written with passion, enthusiasm and a clear sense of pride for being a member of our school community!


Tonight our teachers met up with colleagues from and to talk all things writing! Across the 3 schools there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion for teaching and learning.


Tonight our teachers met up with colleagues from and to talk all things writing! Across the 3 schools there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion for teaching and learning.


Over the weekend two of our little learners and their family set up a lemonade stall to raise some money for the new Pupil Parliament! We are so proud and grateful for their initiative, kindness and hard work out in the community


Thumbs up for the end of a super maths lesson! Miss Nixon was lucky enough to teach Robins this morning and was blown away by their learning behaviours and mathematical ability! Well done Robins!


Here they are! Pupil Parliament 23-24. What a fantastic bunch - we cannot wait to get started with planning the year ahead. We are incredibly proud of every single student that ran for Pupil Parliament this year. It was close for many of the voting results. Well done all.


What a brilliant ‘Election Day’ we had at Harris Primary Academy Beckenham! We set up our ‘Polling Station’ to give the children a real life experience of what voting will be like in later life. We cannot wait to announce the results tomorrow. Good Luck!


PE in the sunshine! The teamwork and support the children show one another across the curriculum really impresses the staff here at HPABe!


What a week! Welcome back everyone! We have had such a wonderful first week back here at Harris Primary Academy Beckenham. The children’s confidence and readiness to learn has been event across the school; we are so proud of each and every one of them!


Our wonderful new reception Children have settled beautifully into academy life and taken everything in their stride. We are so pleased that they begin their learning journey with us and cannot wait to see them shine. Superstars ⭐️

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Academy Admissions

Welcome to the Harris Primary Academy Beckenham Admissions information page. Our full policy, with details of our admissions criteria, can be downloaded from further down the page.


Open Days 2024-25

To book a tour of our Academy, please email us at with your name, your child's name, DOB, your contact details and the date you wish to attend. Please ensure the subject in your email states "Open Days Booking Request". We cannot accept more than 2 people per family.

There will be an introduction and welcome to the Academy followed by a short tour of the school.

Thursday 26th September 1.45pm

Wednesday 9th October 9.45am

Thursday 17th October 1.45pm

Friday 8th November 9.45am

Tuesday 26th November 1.45pm

Wednesday 8th January 9.45am


A brief summary of the application procedure follows, Reception and in-year admissions.

Academy Admissions Contact Details

Admissions Officer: Miss Ruibal Serra

Telephone: 0203 772 4578
Address: Harris Primary Academy Beckenham, Manor Way, Beckenham, BR3 3SJ


Admission Arrangements 2024-25

The Academy has an admission number of 60 in Reception for September 2024-2025

Our pupil admission number (PAN) remians 60 throughout the school.

Applications for places in Reception should be made on London Borough of Bromley’s Common Application Form, this is now managed online. Key information on primary school admissions can be found on the Local Authority’s website and an application can be made online via HERE from 1st September 2023. Forms should be submitted in accordance with the LA’s published deadlines for applications (normally early to mid-January before the academic year in which the child is eligible for entry).

 The key dates are below:

Reception Key Dates


1st September 2023 Local Authority Online Application Website Open

15th January 2024

Online closing date for Application Forms

16th April 2024

Local Authority informs Parents/Carers of allocated school

2nd May 2024

Acceptance of place deadline

15th May 2024

Deadline for appeals to be made in writing to the Academy

May - June 2024

Appeals to be heard

31st December 2024

Waiting Lists closed and replaced by casual admissions waiting lists, Parents/Carers will need to re-apply for an In-Year transfer through the local authority after the 1st January 2025, if still waiting

Admission Arrangements 2025-2026

The Academy has an admission number of 60 in Reception for September 2025-2026

Our pupil admission number (PAN) remians 60 throughout the school.

Applications for places in Reception should be made on London Borough of Bromley’s Common Application Form, this is now managed online. Key information on primary school admissions can be found on the Local Authority’s website and an application can be made online via HERE from 1st September 2024. Forms should be submitted in accordance with the LA’s published deadlines for applications (normally early to mid-January before the academic year in which the child is eligible for entry).

If you intend to delay your child's admisson to EYFS please contact school to seek the school's view on your deferred application. The academy will either accept or reject your request for deferred entry based on the information you share. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis. Please be aware that if the school agrees to admit your child into EYFS due to a deferred entry, you will need to reapply in the following year's admissions round.

 The key dates are below:

Reception Key Dates


1st September 2024 Local Authority Online Application Website Open

15th January 2025

Online closing date for Application Forms

16th April 2025

Local Authority informs Parents/Carers of allocated school

2nd May 2025

Acceptance of place deadline

20th May 2025

Deadline for appeals to be made in writing to the Academy

May - June 2025

Appeals to be heard

31st December 2025

Waiting Lists closed and replaced by casual admissions waiting lists, Parents/Carers will need to re-apply for an In-Year transfer through the local authority after the 1st January 2026, if still waiting


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View Digital Prospectus Online Download a PDF

In-Year Applications

For in-year admissions, please contact the local authority for an In-Year Transfer.

Please note that there is no guarantee that a place will be available, but you have the right of appeal if you are refused a place.

If you apply for an in-year transfer place please complete the form at the bottom of the page so that we can keep in touch with you and chase admissions if necessary.

For Parents/Carers who Wish to Appeal

Parent(s) may wish to appeal against the Academy’s decision on admissions,  for any year group, based on the published admissions criteria.

If you wish to appeal, you must complete the appeal form (see below) stating the reason for the appeal.  You can attach to your appeals form any relevant documents and or a letter with information and evidence that you feel supports your case.

All appeals must be made in writing to Harris Primary Academy Beckenham, Manor Way, Beckenham, BR3 3SJ using the appeals form.

Reception parents must appeal by the 15th May 2024.  All appeals will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.  

The appeals will be heard, in private, by an Independent appeal Panel. The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will make an appointment within a reasonable time, Appeals may be made in English or the Parents’/Carers’ first language.

  • Only one appeal per application is allowed.
  • Appeals are conducted in person, and you may bring a friend.

The Appeal Hearing

The Academy will arrange for an Independent Appeals Panel to consider the Academy's reasons for refusal and your reasons for wanting to attend the Academy.  

The Panel will consist of 3 people (2 will have education experience and one will be an independent person with no education experience).

The Panel will consider the case put forward by you and the Academy. They must consider the admission arrangements for the Academy and the reasons why you want to attend that particular school.  The Panel must exercise its discretion by balancing the weight of your argument (for wanting to attend) against the Academy’s reasons for refusal i.e. the prejudice that one more student would cause to the education of the students already offered and the Health and Safety of all the students already attending the Academy, also taking into account the Academy's published admission arrangements.  

The decision of the Independent Appeals Panel is binding on the admissions authority and the Parents.

In-Year admission expression of interest

In-Year admission expression of interest
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • *
  • Submit
